
And we're off ....

Today was the coldest day yet for the Winter 07-08 season. It was something like 3 degrees (Fahrenheit) outside, but it felt like -11 with the windchill factor. In any case, I put on two pairs of spandex pants, jeans, warm socks and boots for my lower body. For the upper half, I wore an Underarmor turtleneck, underarmor long sleeve T-shirt, fleece and a ski jacket. I wore a pair of gloves, with mittens over them. I found this combination to be the warmest. I also rocked a face mask -- today was probably one of the few days I could get away with wearing that without looking like a thief.

So the ride from my place to Northeastern (remember, the library book?) was pretty pleasant, but I got to campus way too early. I locked up my bike and proceeded to tap on the glass door and flash my book. Thankfully, a librarian was kind enough to open the door and take my book.

Phew. It was around 7:30 a.m. when I dropped off the book so I decided to just bike to work and get there early. It would certainly not take me an hour and a half to get there and then change at work. How wrong I was ...

About a mile and a half from work, I got a flat. I tried to repair it, but to no avail. Oh well. I walked my bike to the Galleria and locked it up there. My strong aversion to being late to anything makes me leave my apartment WAY too early. I anticipate ridiculous scenarios and today included one of them. Since it was STILL early, maybe 10 past 8, I decided to go get some coffee in the mall. I paid for my coffee, walked to work.

Just as I was crossing the last major intersection, I felt my pocket. No wallet. Okay, maybe the other pocket. Nope. Nowhere. I lost my wallet. Total bummer. I still had some time, so like an idiot I sprinted around trying to find it but I had no such luck. I also lost my security card to get into work, as I had just put it in my wallet while walking. Thankfully there wasn't too much in it -- my debit card, my license, my school ID and my CharlieCard. All of those things are replaceable and I have everything on its way to being replaced ... but I just can't shake the weird feeling of my personal information floating around somewhere.

People at work were kind enough to offer to swipe me onto the T at the end of the day, but my parents picked me up and we had dinner and sorted out a few things. Let's hope day 2 of cycling goes better. I'm going to try the mountain bike this time in hopes of avoiding flats.

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