
7.4 miles in the morning

I realized today that I truly do not miss riding the T at all. I live right at Cleveland Circle and usually I make the trek to the Reservoir stop on the D line (because I'm convinced it is quicker), but I was feeling lucky and hopped on the C. I let a friend borrow my iPod for the next few weeks while he is on vacation, so I was left listening to inane conversations while the trolley remained above ground. I did manage to get a good amount of reading done today on my commute which brings me to a small complaint about the NU Library.

I checked out This is Your Brain on Music by Daniel J. Levitin on December 10, along with a few other books. All the books are due January 7. Well, except for TIYBOM now. I got an e-mail today notifying me that the book is now due tomorrow because the book "is needed by another patron." Now, I have no problem returning the book because someone needs it, except, uh, the library is open 8 a.m. - 6 p.m right now. Normally Monday-Thursday, the library is open 7:45 a.m. to midnight. I read this e-mail when I came home from work around 6:30. I work 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. in Cambridge. If I don't return the book tomorrow I owe NU 2 dollars for each day that it is late. I can't return the book unless the library is open since we have no return slot (unless there is a secret one I don't know about, dear readers). So now I have to adjust my bike ride/commute to stop by Snell Library before heading over to Cambridge. Thanks NU. What if I was a freshman and wasn't even allowed back in my dorm yet? Or still on break? Or just, you know, doing that co-op thing that Northeastern students do.

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